Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does traditional Japanese martial arts mean?

Traditional Japanese martial arts refer to a diverse range of combat practices that originated in Japan. These martial arts have been developed and refined over centuries, often with roots in the samurai warrior culture. They encompass both armed and unarmed techniques and often emphasize not only physical skill but also mental discipline, respect, and philosophical aspects.


2. Is there a ranking system in Kyudo?

Yes. We belong to the International Kyudo Federation. As such, the IKYF tests (Shinsa) students every year at various locations throughout the world. Testing may not be for everyone and is not necessary for continued practice.

Dan rank has 10 levels: Shodan (1st Dan) to Judan (10th Dan) and Shogo titles has 3 levels: Renshi, Kyoshi, and Hanshi.


+ more info.


3. Does Austin Kyudo hold examinations?

The All Nippon Kyudo Federation (ANKF) and the International Kyudo Federation (IKYF) are the only official bodies to hold grading examinations. We encourage all members to take part in the examinations and seminars every year as soon as they are ready, and will assist members for registration and preparation.


4. Is Kyudo Physically Challenging?

Yes and no. While performing the movements with proper form and mindfulness can be challenging, Kyudo can be practiced by almost anyone. Strength and stamina are not significant issues when learning Kyudo. Even individuals with knee, back, or shoulder problems can practice and excel in Kyudo. Each bow, arrow, and glove (kake) is tailored to the archer, accommodating their needs. While the standard form in Kyudo involves sitting in Seiza (traditional Japanese formal sitting on the floor with the legs folded underneath the thighs) as a Zasha archer, the standing form, known as Rissha, is also practiced.


5. Does Kyudo have different Schools or styles?

Austin Kyudo study group, practices the kyudo renmei from the All Nippon Kyudo Federation (ANKF) in shomen style.

Technically, styles can be divided into two broad categories, shamen  and shomen. Shamen archers predraw the bow at an angle to the body and fix their grip on the bow before raising it. Shomen archers raise the bow straight over the head and fix their final grip on the bow in a predraw above the head.


6. Who teaches the classes?

As a study group we have no actual sensei in site, but we are sponsored and guided through the South Carolina Renmei by Aaron Blackwell sensei 7th Dan Kyoshi and Reiko Blackwell 5th dan Renshi. Twice a year or more he held seminars to improve our technique. 


7. Are you accepting new students?

Yes. No previous martial arts experience is necessary to join.

We are currently only accepting members after they complete a Beginner's Course or with previous experience.
We hold these courses every 3 months or so throughout the year with limited students.


8. What are the minimum and maximum age for Practice?

Although we do not have a maximum practice age, we currently only accept applicants over 16 years of age for safety reasons. Students under 18 years of age will need parental consent.


9. What would I need to start?

Read with close attention FAQ section, Protocols and Etiquette before coming in. If you don't have the kyudo-gi (uniform), wear black or navy sports pants, white socks and white t-shirt.  


10. Is it possible to come and observe?

Yes of course, use our Contact FormFB message or e-mail to schedule a visit.


11. How much does Kyudo cost?

We are a non-profit and our Kyudo program is very affordable and operates on a flat fee monthly tuition to help maintain the dojo equipment. Students are required to pay the flat rate monthly fee regardless of how many classes they choose or are able to attend each month. 



Taking care and maintaining kyudo equipment is part of the practice. As such, all members are required to own the appropriate clothing and their own kyudo equipment. Members may consider acquiring these in various stages to help with the costs. Initially equipment such as yumi (bow), makiwara ya (unfeathered arrow) and kake (leather glove), can be borrowed from the dojo. 

All members (once completed the beginners' training sessions) should own the appropriate clothing. This includes a kyudo-gi (white top), hakama (traditional skirt), obi (cloth belt) and tabi (split-toed socks), as well as muneate (chest protection) for female members. Members are also required to purchase a shita-gake (cotton under glove) to protect the leather glove from sweat.


We consider the kake to be a crucial part of the equipment, the glove is used for pulling the tsuru (bow string). We don't recommend buying a yumi for at least a year. It'll take that long for your form to stabilize enough so that you will neither break nor outgrow your new yumi. We have some class yumi for you to use until you're ready. Regarding ya (arrows) because we shot short distance in our dojo using the makiwara ya, you probably won't need to buy any of these for a while, until you start shooting long distance.


12. Where can I find a uniform and the appropriate equipment?

Our facility will provide basic equipment for new students until the student is ready and decides to invest in their own equipment as recommended. We will assist you in acquiring the Kyudo uniform and equipment costs vary and a senior member will advise before purchase.