To observe during practice
Please bow in the direction of the kamidana when you step onto the dojo proper (that is when you step up onto the training floor). You should also bow when leaving the dojo.
No shoes in the dojo. Wear tabi or white socks. Shoes should be neatly arranged at the edge of the training floor or shoe rack.
Be on time for class. If you happen to arrive late, please apologise to the instructor.
Avoid sitting on the floor with your back toward the kamidana. Do not lean against the walls or sit with your legs stretched out. Sit either in seiza, cross-legged or take a knee.
Remove all ornaments or decorations, jewelry, accesories, that will be a distraction, or compromise safety.
Phones and/or other electronic devices must be in airplane mode.
No video or photography unless specifically allowed by the instructor.
Do not bring food, gum, and beverages.
Please keep your fingers and toe nails cut short.
Do not come to class while intoxicated. Do not consume any alcohol or intoxicating substances before class.
Dojo Cleaning and Responsabilities
Our dojo is operated on a volunteer basis and not for profit. There are many ways you can serve your dojo, it is up to you to volunteer.
Being a member of a dojo is not like joining a health club. You are not “buying” some lessons and then going home. This means that it is the students’ responsibility to clean and maintain the dojo. Juniors and seniors must work together in the spirit of equality and jita kyoei (mutual welfare) when approaching such things. After every class, the floor should be swept and the dressing rooms, common areas and mirrors cleaned as they are in Japan. These activities are age old matters of respecting the dojo space and leaving the dojo as clean, if not cleaner, than when you entered. Do not wait for someone to ask you to help---it is part of your training to contribute to the space that is the dojo and the common areas. Look around: Is the trash full? Does the bathroom need cleaning? Find something that needs to be done and do it!
Whatever your dojo experience, all dojo members should gladly take part in everyday cleaning activities, regardless of rank or title. Remember it is your dojo. Just as with anyone’s outward personal bearing, your dojo and its appearance manifests the spirit of its members. A few minutes devoted to dojo cleanliness will go a long way in your future practice and positively contribute to the way others perceive the dojo.
Never let a student with higher seniority work harder than you. Our dojo is a collective effort.
Never leave clothing or valuables of any type in the dojo. We will not be responsible for these articles if they are lost or stolen.
1. Attend all practices that are required and notify the dojo of absences in advance. Take great care to attend special events such as the opening and closing of the year, as well as the monthly meetings and special training events.
2. Be punctual taking into account the time for cleaning and preparation of the practice area, as well as the time to store the equipment used at the end of the class. Be ready to start training at the designated time. EG, if the class lasts two hours, arrive 10 minutes before to put the dojo and consider 10 minutes to lift the dojo. At the end of each session sensei, kancho or sempai in charge should not lift the equipment, all kohai should help.
3. On entering the practice area regard it as a dojo and greet your teacher, seniors and other members. Leave your own opinions and notions outside.
4. If late, seek out the teacher, or senior person responsible for the practice, and make your apologies.
5. All regular students should maintain a steady attendance. Life happens and student needs come first. If a student needs to withdraw from the dojo temporarily or permanently, please let the instructors know.
6. Have a regard for cleanliness and wear dogi or clothing that is appropriate. Your uniform should be put on after arrival to the dojo and then removed and properly folded before departing the dojo. Your uniform should always be mended and kept clean.
7. Have a regard for your own equipment and that which is on loan. Make sure that it is clean and properly maintained. Treat it as your own. The equipment must be cleaned and kept by the person who made use of it.
8. Respect the equipment of others. Never touch or use any of the equipment is not yours without owners permission.
9. The practice area must be prepared first, followed by stringing the bow and preparing arrows. Check that your equipment (or that which is on loan) is safe and properly prepared for use.
10. Having changed, gather in the correct way and order to make the formal greeting to start training. Do not keep the teacher, or person responsible for leading the practice, waiting. Warm up with the rest of the group.
11. Obey without question the instructions of the teacher and seniors at all times.
12. Do not instruct others unless requested to do so, and then apply the instruction in the correct way. Do not add your own interpretation.
13. Always be alert and consider the safety of others and yourself.
16. Your personal progression is in your hands and we will always be here to help and guide you on your journey.
14. Do not shoot arrows at a makiwara or target outside of formal supervised practice and training sessions without the explicit permission of the instructor.
15. Do not visit, or train in another dojo without the explicit permission of the teacher.
16. When visiting another dojo, do not shoot unless invited to do so, and refrain from using the rear mato as this is traditionally the target allocated to the dojo teacher.
17. Do not proceed to the shooting line, if arrow collectors are waiting.
18. During arrow collection, archers on the shooting line should wait in dozukuri until instructed to continue and have the responsibility to stop shooting when safety is an issue.
19. Collect arrows at the appropriate time, following the correct procedure, and do not spend unnecessary time in the matoba. Remove arrows with care and do not place on the ground.
20. Application for all seminars and examinations must have the approval of the dojo teacher, and the correct application procedure followed.
21. When visiting an outside event, remember that you represent your dojo, and behave in an appropriate way.
22. Visitors to the dojo are always welcome. However, because of insurance cover, and to assure a visit is appropriate, if dojo members wish to bring someone to visit, please make this request in the first instance.
23. Do not purchase equipment without seeking advice. The selection might not be suitable and out of respect for the dojo, advice should always be sought.
24. For grading and attendance to seminars, ungraded members of the dojo will be invited to join when the time is right. Graded members should still seek advice for grading. As dojo members it should not be thought of as a personal choice.
Thank you!
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